Friday, November 30, 2007

Thoughts on the readings

I don't really know if I prefer audioslide shows or video. I think that it really depends on the story. Action stories obviously come across a lot better with video. But at the same time, there can be something very poignant about the sound of a crowd cheering while stills of fans screaming flash on the screen. To think more about it, I think I am very impartial to the art of audio slideshows. For how easy they can be to put together, the effect is amazing.

As far as the specifics of the audio slideshow - I think that images should be kept on the screen for a good amount of time.... and by a good amount, I mean longer rather than shorter. People need time to process the photos.

Panning across an image can give a great effect and lead the readers eye toward an important spot, rather than leaving them to scan the whole picture.

As far as other tools go - I am very impartial to iMovie. As a fairly new mac user, I was amazed at how easy the software is. After returning from a trip to Rome I quickly put together a movie for my friends with images, sound and video from our trip. It really couldn't have been any easier.

GarageBand, oddly enough, I don't care for. I think there are other programs that do what it does much better.

This all coming from one of the most media-unsavy people around.

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