Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oprah puts in her two (very powerful) cents

Oprah Winfrey has officially endorsed presidential candidate Barack Obama.

According to a video at, the two have known each other since 2000 when they met in the Chicago social circuit.

As a Chicago resident, its pretty much a law that I watch Oprah regularly. I remember the first appearance Obama made on her show. It was around the time he was running for Illinois state senator, and as he sat on her couch with his lovely wife and pictures of his two girls on the screen behind him, you couldn't help but be intrigued. I remember thinking then that he was pursuading 1/2 of the women in America to like - if not love - him.

Oprah is holding a fundraising event for him this Saturday at her California home, where she plans to raise nearly $3 million.

According to a blog, this is a new step for Oprah, who has never before officially supported a candidate.

And her support means a lot. Most have expected Clinton to take a large percentage of the female vote, but now, Obama has a chance to take some of those important votes back.

Interesting fact from that CNN video: a recent Gallup poll shows Oprah Winfrey as the second most popular woman in America. The first - Hillary Clinton.

Other source

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