Saturday, October 13, 2007

Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Yesterday it was announced that former vice president Al Gore won this years Nobel Peace Prize for his work against global warming.

According to the Chicago Tribune, he will share the award with a United Nations-sponsored group which is also working toward stopping climate change. This win brings up questions of Gore possibly using the award as a platform to run for president in 2008, a possibility that many say seems unlikely.

From the LA Times:
But Gore, 59, has laid no groundwork to build the vast organization needed to run for president. He has repeatedly said he has no plans to run for public office again. And longtime advisors say he should be taken at his word when he says he wants to stay focused on a crusade to persuade the world to take stronger steps against global warming.
I think the win is so interesting after Gore's narrow loss in the 2000 election. He has taken his loss and come to a point where he is 10x more popular than the man who beat him.

Yay, Al Gore.

Fox News has used the prize as an opportunity to attack Gore. Check out the video at the top of the post.

Personally, the FOX news clip really bothers me. I couldn't even watch the whole thing, because the anchors questioning was so skewed and one sided. It was clear that he had his mind made up. He thought Al Gore did not deserve the award. And he made it clear. By not allowing varying opinions to be shown on his show. Why even invite someone with another view to be on your show if you are literally going to interrupt them every time they try to talk?


Just another reason for me to not like Fox News.

1 comment:

TrisOneill said...

I just wanted to point out that Al Gore actually won the election once, so I don't see why he couldn't do it again. This time I don't believe any of the candidates have brother-governers in the swing states. Oh, and I am rpetty sure we have solved the voting machine issue from 2000.